5 Day Nervous System Reset Meditation Challenge

Here's the is busy loud, and overstimulating.

Even if we don't consciously register these stressors in the moment, our bodies and nervous systems absorb their impact. Things like anxiety, waking up in the middle of the night, and that feeling of being chronically exhausted and overwhelmed is your nervous system me!!

Listen to these signs. It's not in your head and it can get better. Nervous system overload doesn't have to be permanent. And it can be as easy as carving our a few minutes a day to quiet your mind, and support your body through meditation.

That's where I come in. Together let's hit the reset button on your nervous system and overcome overwhelm in this free 5-day guided meditation challenge.

In this challenge you'll get a daily email sent right to your inbox with a unique daily guided meditation to

- Soothe your senses

-Quiet your mind

-Reset your nervous system

-Find internal balance in just 5 days.

Pop your email below to say goodbye to nervous system overload ⬇️

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